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Newsletter – 21 June 2024

Scarcroft Primary School > Front page news > Newsletter – 21 June 2024

Your weekly news from Scarcroft School

21st June 2024

Welcome to our weekly roundup!

Dear parents and carers, 

I’m writing to you amidst what is proving to be an extremely busy half-term, full of trips, visitors and performances, as you will see from the images below. Early Years went on a theatre trip to see Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book; Year 5 have been busy with a Shakespeare workshop and trip to the art gallery, and children in Year 2, 4 and 6 went along to the SBMAT Sports Fest at York University.

You can read all about Sports Fest and see photos here.


A huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported the school at our summer fair last Friday. FOSS did the most amazing job, yet again, and managed to raise a whopping £822.24 for school.

Thank you so much! 


Noah and Wilf’s Yorkshire Three Peaks Charity Challenge, 7th July 2024  – Raising money for WISHH (Working Independently to Support Hull Hospitals) and the Stroke Association 

Noah and Wilf are embarking on a 24 hour challenge to conquer the Three Peaks in Yorkshire to raise money for charities that are close to their hearts. 

Both have recently experienced the loss of a loved family member. ‘We want to make them proud and try and help families who find themselves in similar situations’ 

The Challenge

24 hours, 3 peaks and a lot of miles for WISHH and the Stroke Association and in memory of cousin George & grandma Janice.

Noah and Wilf are training hard and are ready to face the challenge head-on on July 7th!

They would be so grateful for any donations and support, no matter how small. Your help will definitely make them more determined to finish the event and keep on going when the climb gets really tough! They really want to make a difference!


You can help raise money by donating via justgiving here  or at:

Good luck to you both

What’s coming up?

We can’t wait to welcome you to our inaugural sports evening on the athletics track at Millthorpe School on Friday 28th June, from 5pm until 6.30pm.

Please bring along a picnic blanket, picnic and drinks and enjoy the evening watching a very relaxed and positive evening of races. Please be aware that alcohol is permitted, but in moderation please. 

There will be a bake sale courtesy of Chef King, as well as music to keep everyone entertained. 

We’ll start with 60 metre sprints for Reception, Year 1 and 2 pupils, and we’ll progress to 100 metres for children in Key Stage 2. 

After that there will be some novelty races for each year group: egg and spoon and sack races etc, as well as some longer distance races for Year 5 and 6. 

Of course it wouldn’t be a sports day without the parents’ races, so come prepared!

At the moment the forecast is good, but please manage your expectations. If the ground is too wet, we’ll need to postpone. 

SBMAT Arts Fest: Tuesday 9th July

We can’t wait to join schools from across our Trust to perform in this year’s Arts Fest. We have such a treat for the audience, with our Samba band, dance club, choir and band performing in the evening. We’ll be there taking part in workshops and rehearsals for the day, and are looking forward to welcoming parents to come and watch in the evening, as well as to see our amazing artwork which will be displayed in the foyer. 

Dates for your diaries – prepare to be very busy!

Monday 24th June, 2024

Class photos
Friday 28th June,2024

Sports Day/Evening at Millthorpe School


Tuesday 2nd July, 2024

Year 5 French Cafe

Create a French Café in a Day” experience at Millthorpe School

Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

Transition Day

Whole school transition day with new classes; Y6 to secondary schools; new starter EYFS stay and play and teddy bears’ picnic

Thursday 4th July, 2024

Junior Talent Night at Millthorpe School


Friday 5th July, 2024

FOSS Story time event


Wednesday 10th July

Y6 leavers performance


Friday 12th July, 2024

Year 6 leavers party!


Friday 19th July, 2024

FOSS water fight on the Green!



Wishing everyone a very happy weekend.

Yours sincerely, 

Jen Mitchell
Head of School 

Attendance - This half term so far!

Reception:  98%

Year 1:   96%

Year 2:   95%

Year 3:   94%

Year 4:   97%

Year 5:   97%

Year 6:   90%

Whole school updates


We have a vacancy on our governing body for a ‘community governor’. This is a general vacancy, so is open to parents, as well as others you may know in the community who may have particular knowledge and skills to offer. If you are interested in the role or would like to find out more, please make an appointment with me, or catch me on the playground before school, and I would be happy to discuss. 

WALKING THE WORLD: Staff at Scarcroft are still working hard to complete the 25,000 mile challenge with the aim of raising funds to invest in our library. You can still donate here.


We designed and made our own shakers. It was good fun testing different materials to see what they sounded like. At the end of the lesson we used our shakers to accompany us in a song.                  

At Forest School we have really enjoyed joining pipes together to make tunnels for cars to go down.

After making our own natural paint brushes from materials we had collected at Forest School we used them to create our mud paintings. We really enjoyed mixing the mud. It was very messy!

This week we were very excited to visit the Theatre Royal to see Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book. The show was fantastic and we loved all the puppets. To make the day even more exciting we travelled on a double decker coach. 

Recognition Awards

Natty – For listening well in class and working hard on his letter formation.

Reyaan- For always contributing to lessons and giving full answers. He has a really enquiring mind. 


Year 1

In our Science lessons, we have been identifying and labelling parts of a flowering plant and finding out what each part’s job is.

In History, we have been learning about what an explorer is and how they might have travelled differently in the past.

Recognition awards


Hope – For believing in herself and showing resilience when faced with a challenge

Sophie – For always giving 110% socially and academically.


Lily – For being a fantastic newcomer into our class and her consistent positive attitude to learning

Poppy – For her dedication and utter commitment to her work, always giving 100% and being an excellent role model to others



Year 2


Our sweetpea seeds are just beginning to germinate! We will be observing and measuring their progress carefully over the next few weeks…

Our class book is ‘Lizzy and the Cloud’ and it has inspired the children to produce some wonderful pieces of writing.

Recognition Award


7.6.24 –  Ivylou – for being a wonderful role model to others – she always puts 100% effort into everything she does.

14.6.24  – Rommy –  for his enthusiasm, fantastic knowledge and excellent contributions in Geography/Science lessons.


Recognition- Ruby 

For having a determined attitude towards her learning and showing an increased confidence in her work including in maths. 

Recognition- Esther

For always showing such a positive attitude towards all of her learning. She is trying really hard to complete all her work and showing a real determination to use her knowledge well. 

Achievement trophy- Senudi 

Since September she has grown in confidence and ability. She is taking part in all lessons and trying to complete all the work set with a lovely smile on her face.  

Year 3

In Year 3 we have been continuing our design and technology topic on castles, here we are making 3D shapes using nets.  

These are some of our finished castles.  Can you spot the 3D shapes we have used in the construction?

In PE we have been learning rounders skills and playing mini-games.  The idea here is to throw the ball around the circle before the runner can get from the green cone to the red cone.

Recognition awards:


Joss – For his enquiring mind and the desire to ask questions

Anmar – For always answering questions in a clear and considered way.

Kindness trophy

Nell – for being naturally kind and thoughtful in class and around the school 


Ammaar – For settling well into our school

Ethan – For fantastic story writing this week

Year 4

Science – sound

In Science, we have started a new topic all about how sound travels. We have done various hands on models to show that all sound is vibration. A lot of the children were surprised to learn that sound travels further and faster through a solid than through the air.

PE – Cricket 

Last week, PE specialist Mr Scaling worked with Year 4 on their cricket skills. We played some different games to learn the different skills of bowling and batting. Some games practised our team work and others scoring against each other. Everyone gave it a really good go and a group of Year 4s went on to win the cricket tournament.

Recognition Awards 4SC

Erin Campbell – Looking back at September, Erin was a lovely, studious but quite quiet child. Seeing her grow in confidence and seeing so much more of her personality shine through has been a privilege. 

Oscar Morris – Oscar has been so engaged in recent work. His effort in all lessons has been fantastic and, in particular, he has worked hard on certain areas that can be tricky for him such as spelling.


Effort – Hannah Richardson – Hannah is another quieter member of our class who is growing and growing in confidence. Her effort in recent writing lessons has been astounding and has led to some really lovely work.

Recognition Awards 4AB

Lucie – Lucie is a kind and caring member of our class. She is always looking out for others and without seeking praise will take time to appreciate what people do for her and support her peers in class. 

Jessica – Jessica has been working so hard recently and putting in 100% effort. It has been lovely to see her grow in confidence and be proud of her achievements, especially in Maths.

Year 5

In English last week, we became archeologists excavating the tomb or barrow of a famous Anglo-Saxon warrior king. We found many interesting artefacts. We have gone on to study Beowulf, an old English poem. We are now writing a lost part of the poem! 

We had another fantastic trip to Merchant Adventurers on Tuesday. We watched a production of Romeo and Juliet, looked at portraits and what they can tell us (which is what we’ve been doing in history too) and learnt about Tudor fashion.

We had a great time at York Art Gallery. Not only did we explore the Monet exhibition, we got to enjoy the rest of the gallery too and even frolic in a meadow!


Achievement Trophy – Victor Tipton-Raisin – Victor has put in huge effort all year across the curriculum but he has particularly impressed me with his hard work, dedication and tenacity in Maths. His achievements in Maths have reflected his effort. Well done Victor. 

Effort Trophy – Benjamin Fricke – Fabulous effort in all subjects all year. Especially striving for the next challenge in maths or the next progression in English, Well done, Benjamin.

Recognition Awards

Noah Hollett-Kanyemba – Fabulous attitude in class. Always ready to learn. Trying his best and he has lots of interesting ideas to share. Well done, Noah. 

Leighton Coulson – Brilliant behaviour for the last 2 weeks. Trying really hard in maths and English. Really maturing. Well done, Leighton. 

Orla Murray – Orla is all round fantastic. She contributes in every lesson, is a kind and caring friend and classmate and keeps me on track when I forget things! 

Faye Lavender – Faye is a kind and caring member of our class who is always the first to congratulate someone’s successes or provide comfort when needed. She is also fantastic at giving compliments! 

Year 6

We have been investigating how light travels in straight lines and creates shadows of differing sizes depending on the distance from a light source.

We have been really lucky to be invited to York Croquet Club for some fun sessions.  We enjoyed discovering a new sport and meeting members of our local community who shared their expertise.


Noah S – For amazing and consistent progress in his writing.

XJuno J – For her amazing use of description and all-round excellent behaviour

Lucy O’B – For her wonderful control and beautiful vocabulary in her writing.

Freya H – For her dedication to detail in her writing.

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