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Friends of Scarcroft School (FoSS)

Get involved!

Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is called FOSS, the Friends of Scarcroft School.

Friends of Scarcroft Primary School (FoSS)

Every parent and guardian at Scarcroft is automatically a member of FoSS when their children start school. We also have a dedicated committee who meet regularly to organise and plan exciting events for the whole school community. FoSS raises money to be spent on school equipment and activities, such as the playground reading sheds and subsidising the annual trip to the pantomime.

Meet the 2023-24 committee

Katie, Pen, Kim, Rosie, Sam (all Y4 parents) Hetty (Y4 and Y6), Laura (Y4 and Y2 parent, and teacher representative), Jez (Year 2) and Ali (Y1).

Summer 2024

June 11: SportsFest event at York Uni

June 14: Summer Fair and BBQ

June 28: Sports Day

July 3: New starter stay and play

July 4: Talent Show

July 5: Storytime/book swap event

July 12: Y6 Leavers’ Disco

July 19: End of term water fight and bake sale

Help raise funds for school when you shop online

Did you know that you can sign up to Easyfundraising and donate to FoSS every time you shop online? It’s an easy way to raise funds for the school without costing you a penny.

Click here to sign up!

We're looking for committee members - could it be you?

Our wonderful committee co-chairs Pen and Katie will step down at the end of the 2023-24 academic year and we will be in need of a replacement!

We’re also looking for replacements for treasurer Kim and secretary Rosie, who have done amazing work in the past year. Kim is happy to share the treasurer role with a newcomer or deputise during 2024-25 to help them learn the ropes.

If you think you have what it takes to carry out these crucial jobs for Scarcroft’s parent-teacher association, please reach out.
This is YOUR chance to make friends, get immersed in school life, be creative and lead the way to create the best environment possible for Scarcroft’s kids.

The time commitment for all the roles is not huge and we are happy to chat to anyone interested about what’s involved.
Email to find out more about all of the roles!

Expressions of interest are welcome before June 30, 2024. If there is more than one volunteer for a role, a vote will be held at FoSS’s AGM during the first week of September, when all parents are invited to attend.

Company matched giving

FoSS is a registered charity so can raise money through company matched giving schemes, a simple way for firms to pledge to donate the same amount to a school as an employee.

The scheme brings benefits for the company, such as having its donations written off against taxable profits and getting publicity for its generosity. The school benefits from the additional funds.

If you think your employer has a matched giving scheme or if you would like some more information about charity matched giving or setting up a scheme in your workplace, please talk to our treasurer or ask in the school office.


What does FoSS do?

FoSS is a vital part of Scarcroft’s school community and raises thousands of pounds every year for equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and school facilities.

But it’s about more than that. FoSS helps to forge closer links between home and school and it’s a great way to bring staff, parents, other relatives, guardians and friends together in support of the school.

Members will tell you that it’s good fun to be involved and gives you the chance to make friends and know your child’s school a lot better.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved. Every little helps when it comes to volunteering!

FoSS works hard to represent the school’s values and ethos and to respect our diverse community at all our events. Some events are not fundraisers – they are simply a chance to give the kids a great time.

What’s the committee?

The committee is the driving force behind FoSS and it needs active members willing to take on responsibilities and make sure events run smoothly. It’s not an onerous job! Our executive members are the chair, treasurer and secretary, plus there are a handful of ordinary committee members.

We meet a couple of times each term, usually straight after school, to plan activities.

Is there an annual general meeting (AGM)?

Yes! It happens at the start of the academic year and is a chance for parents to hear details about the work FoSS does, including how it has spent any funds that have been raised. New committee members are also elected at this meeting, which will be held during the first week of September 2024.

How does FoSS raise money?

Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through our events, such as the Christmas and summer fairs, raffles, Christmas card and tea towel designs, donations and bake sales.

We always want to hear from children and parents about the events they would like us to run. Please don’t be shy about sending ideas and feedback.

We’re proud to report that so far this academic year (2023-24) we have raised a fantastic £8,165.25.

What happens to the money raised by FoSS?

Following a fundraising event, the money is banked straight away. FoSS committee members discuss and decide how to spend the funds at our meetings.

There are usually requests from school for items that are needed and this is often where the money goes. It could be used for teachers to buy items to enhance the curriculum – such as chocolate samples for the year 4 chocolate history topic. Or part of the school environment might need an upgrade, such as the library or playground.

This year, FoSS has paid for the new reading sheds, as well as welcome books for reception pupils, Crumble robots for maths learning, the bird of prey event in January and teacher resources. We subsidised the pantomime trip and the magician’s visit at Christmas.

FoSS funds are spent on items that the school budget can’t stretch to, helping to improve our children’s learning experiences.  The aim is always to spend funds in ways that will benefit all our children across all areas of the school and curriculum.

How can I help?

There are many ways to help and you don’t have to commit to doing so on a regular basis.

  • You can join our bakers’ WhatsApp group (click here to join) and make treats to sell at our bake sales.
  • You can offer to man a stall at the summer or Christmas fair.
  • There are often practical jobs that need doing, such as sorting out book donations for reading events, wrapping presents for the elves’ grotto or preparing raffle tickets.

We could not achieve what we do without the help of all of you. 

Contact us

Please email us or come and chat to us in the playground if you’d like to get involved and are happy to be contacted for help on an ad hoc basis.

You can also visit the FOSS Facebook page.

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