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At Scarcroft the intent for our PE curriculum is to engage all pupils in physical activity and for all children to experience excellent PE. Through a range of positive experiences pupils develop an understanding and awareness of the importance of physical and mental health and well-being, thus encouraging a healthy lifestyle in and out of school. We want to build our children’s transferable skills base through PE; skills such as teamwork, performance evaluation, creativity and problem solving, that can be utilised in all aspects of a child’s life.

EYFS sets the tone for physical activity at Scarcroft with outdoor provision, Forest School and Bikes timetabled as well as a weekly PE lesson.

We follow the Real PE scheme throughout school, which focuses on the fundamental skills: Agility, Balance and Coordination. We build on these skills in specific sports balanced across a pupil’s time in school, these include: tennis, cricket, hockey and athletics. We also provide opportunities for developing general fitness and physical activity, through activities such as yoga, circuits and Outdoor and Adventurous activities. Swimming is part of the Year 4 curriculum offering and pupils have one session a week for the entire year.

Scarcroft provides opportunities for children to compete against themselves and others (including other schools), participate in extracurricular and enrichment activities and be inspired by real life sporting events and sportspeople. The PE and Sport premium is used to enhance our curriculum offer. The funding, and school delegated funding is used creatively and with imagination, so impact of provision and expertise is maximised. It is also of significant importance that sustainability and legacy of resourcing – and Physical Education and Physical and Mental Health – is a priority. Each year we use specific strategies to provide a bespoke curriculum to meet the needs of our children.

After-school and lunchtime sports clubs provide additional opportunities for pupils to engage in physical activity and further develop the multitude of skills which sport provides. These clubs are carefully chosen through data provided by an twice annual physical activity survey, enabling us to target our least active children and provide clubs that will be the most engaging for our pupils.

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