Scarcroft Primary School
Moss Street
York YO23 1BS
Tel: 01904 806635
For general enquiries, please contact the school office.
Executive Principal: James McGann
Head of School: Jennifer Mitchell
School Business Manager: Jennifer Jones
Our SENCo is Carole Dickson – she can be contacted by email:
Our Chair of Governors is Sheriden Hutchinson-Jones – she can be contacted via the main school email or by telephone.
Excel Learning Trust
Woodthorpe Primary School
Summerfield Road
York YO24 2RU
01904 553760
If you require any paper copies of any of the information on our website please do not hesitate to contact the school office on T: 01904 806635.
We’d love to show you around our amazing school. Just click here for directions on how to find us via Google Maps (opens in new window).