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Our curriculum

Our curriculum

Scarcroft Primary is a school in which each child thrives and our curriculum intent is to embody this in every aspect of our daily practice. Our curriculum builds towards pupils being able to meet/exceed national expectations, become next stage ready and to demonstrate confidence around our school values of being spirited, healthy, curious, kind, creative and determined. The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced in such a way that new knowledge and skills build upon what has already been taught and children work towards the clearly defined end points.

Teachers deliver the curriculum through our agreed learning cycle. We aim to start new learning with a recap on what the children have already learnt, this is our ‘connect’ phase. We then move onto our ‘I do’ section where teachers model new learning to children. Following this, children are encouraged to complete work with some support from the class teacher and their peers, this is our ‘We do’ section. Finally, children are able to try their new learning independently, this is our ‘You do’ phase.

At Scarcroft, we strive to ensure that we deliver a curriculum that is founded upon secure foundations in the Early Years, rich in key knowledge and progressive across each year group within school.

Would you like to know more?

For a more detailed overview of each curricular area, please visit the curriculum pages. If you require further details about any aspect of our school curriculum, please do not hesitate in contacting Head of School, Jen Mitchell.

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