At Scarcroft, we recognise that Science is a topic through which children can foster a sense of curiosity about the world.
We aim to prepare children for their adult life by ensuring they understand the importance of Science in today’s world and to inspire them to develop aspirational goals for future careers. Learning Science encourages children to use problem solving skills to explain their thoughts, describe phenomena and, perhaps most importantly, change their minds.
These skills are applicable across many aspects of their lives, both as children and adults. Science is not limited to the classroom.
Our Science curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework. It is implemented using two main strands: working scientifically (disciplinary knowledge) and factual content (substantive knowledge). Teaching ensures that practical exploration and skills are embedded throughout the Science curriculum and the context of Science learning is relevant to pupils. The Kapow scheme of work is used to provide a clear structure for learning and is applied and adapted as teachers see fit.
Children apply scientific knowledge to solve problems using a range of enquiry skills:
Through study of significant scientists of the past and individuals working today, children are introduced to a diverse range of scientists and people who work in science-related jobs. Children experience enrichment activities, such as trips and visitors, that increase their engagement further.