We believe that all children should have their needs recognised and identified at the earliest possible opportunity so that they can meet their potential. Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are an integral part of our school community.
A child or young person has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools.
The Local Authority has a legal duty to set out for parents their own Local Offer for pupils with SEND. You can access York’s Local Offer here.
The Local Authority also provides specialist teachers with specific areas of expertise to support members of staff within schools and to provide guidance and advice for parents. They also provide access to ‘York SEN and Disability Information, Advice & Support Service’ (formerly Parent Partnership Service) to assist parents in finding out more or in solving any problems which they might experience. Our Inclusion Leader works closely with all of these experts in order to ensure that the needs of every child are met appropriately. Contact details for York SEN and Disability Information, Advice & Support Service, which can be found here or you can e-mail: yorklocalofferSEND@york.gov.uk.
To find out more about Ordinarily Available Provision 2023-24: Approaches and resources that mainstream education settings in York will provide for children and young people with SEND, please take a look at this booklet which has been co-produced with parents/carers, headteachers, senior leaders and SENDCos.
The best thing to do is to visit the school and meet a member of the SLT and Inclusion Leader. A tour of the building, together with an in-depth discussion about your child’s specific needs, will show you how the school can support you in ensuring that your child has the best possible educational experience within a mainstream school setting. You can also access information about starting school here.
At Scarcroft Primary School we pride ourselves on listening to parents: by working together we hope that you feel that your views and concerns are listened to. The vast majority of concerns are easily resolved in conversation with members of staff. There are, however, a number of ways in which a parent can complain:
If you have initial concerns regarding your child and special educational needs/disabilities please talk to your child’s class teacher, who will then arrange a meeting. The Inclusion Leader may also attend this meeting.
If you have specific queries regarding SEND/medical needs, please contact the Inclusion Leader:
Mrs Carole Dickson
T: 01904 806641/806635
E: c.dickson@scarcroft.elt.org.uk
Further information regarding SEND at Scarcroft Primary can be found by viewing our SEND Policy on the Excel Learning Trust’s Policies page.
York’s Local Offer provides families, professionals, children and young people with Special Educational Needs, information regarding education, post 16 options, health services, parent and carer support, money advice, SEN guidance and information on Education, Health and Care Plans.
To find out more about the York’s Local Offer for SEND, please click here.